
Our 1967 Ford Club Wagon - The Wondervan

Our 1967 Ford Club Wagon - The original Wondervan


It all started when…

…I was bartending at Cheever’s cafe here in Oklahoma City. I spent a large amount of my time creating new cocktails with different syrups, liquor infusions, bitters and tinctures. While I enjoyed it immensely, I knew it was not my place to live out my life behind the bar top of someone else’s dream.

During my travels over the years, I often came across these fantastic fresh fruit frozen pops. Some where simple familiar flavors and some where totally unique mashups but they reminded you of how fun popsicles where to eat as a child. In 2016 I bought my first popsicle molds and took my experience from behind the bar top and put them into making my first pops. Raspberry Basil was one of the first I ever made. It’s wonderful tartness and subtle basil notes made it one of the most poplar of our first summer.


It is our goal to use to best local all natural ingredients when making our fruit pops. Nothing artificial or refined sugars are ever used. Most of our popsicles only have 3-5 ingredients…but one of my favorite has eight.(apricot salted caramel - soooo gang good!!)

So, I decided on pops, a menu of a dozen or so flavors was made, then we needed something to sell them out of. I originally I started hunting for a 60’s VW bus to outfit. That did not last long. I was looking for a van, not another mortgage! I had come across some other unfamiliar vans of the same era that were just as nostalgic as any VW but for a quarter of the price. I found our 1967 Ford Club Wagon down in Denton, TX with the name Wandervan Transportation across the side. It’s beautiful rounded details and compact body made for an ideal symbol for our high quality pops. After about 10 months, Wondervan Pops made it’s debut at the OSU-OKC farmers market. You can still find us there every Saturday morning during the spring and summer months.